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You shall love your neighbor as yourself. - Matthew 22:39


Good Shepherd offers a number of ways to serve our neighbors (near and far) using our time and talents. Here are a few ways to become involved in the ministries of our church:


Piece Corps Quilters

Every Wednesday morning - for 49 years - the members of the Piece Corps have continued to meet in the Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Fellowship Hall from 8:00 am to 11:30 am to assemble quilts. There are so many people who make this ministry possible: the sewers, fabric cutters, ironers, quilttiers, quilt binders, those who supply us with donations of fabric, batting, thread, and money. We thank God that he has given us work to do that helps so many others. We will never know all the people who benefit from our quilts; but we know God’s Love and Work is never finished; and so each year we strive to do our best.


The quilts created by Piece Corps Quilters are sent to Lutheran World Relief, to Saint Vincent DePaul, and to local people in need. In 2023 we produced 652 quilts. Since we began in 1974, a total of 19,562 quilts have been made and sent. This past year, some of our quilts have gone to the following:


Every autumn we have a special Quilt Sunday when quilts we have made decorate the church and are blessed before being sent out.


Lord bless these quilts and all who have made this ministry possible. With your help and blessing may it continue for years to come, and may you continue to bring others into our Ministry of Love. We remember all those no longer with us who helped start this ministry. We are truly richer for all they did to lead the way. May God’s Love continue to bless us all, and may our quilts made out of love for our neighbors always wrap your children in that love. Amen!



Thank you to everyone for your help and support. None of this would be possible without many, many hands, lots of donations, and God’s Love and Prayers. The Piece Corps Quilters invite anyone to come and help us. 500,000 quilts are needed each year for Lutheran World Relief. Come and join us for fellowship and sewing.


Community Friendship Club

The Lena Friendship Club is a non-denominational club sponsored by Lutheran Social Services of Illinois and by Good Shepherd Lutheran Church. The club started on October 21, 1959.


We meet on the second Thursday of each month at 12:30 pm for a potluck lunch and entertainment by local musicians.



We invite and welcome all older folks to our club for Fun, Food, and Fellowship. If you cannot come for the potluck, come to the meeting! There are no dues, but there will be a free-will offering. Bring a friend or make a new one here.


Le-Win Food Pantry

The Lena-Winslow Food Pantry is located at 130 1/2 West Main Street in Lena. It is open on Saturdays from 8:30 am to 11:30 am, and serves the communities of Lena, Winslow and Orangeville. Volunteers from Good Shepherd Lutheran Church man the Food Pantry on the 4th Saturday of each month.


If you could use help with groceries, or would like to donate to the Food Pantry, please call 815-369-4625 for more information.


Men's Ministry

The Good Shepherd Men's Group meets at the church on the last Saturday of each month at 4:30 pm.


Our focus is on service to the church and service to the community. Our meetings are often times when we do odd jobs either at the church or for our members, such as trimming or cutting down trees or polishing the floor of the Fellowship Hall.


Every year we put on a steak dinner at the church, which is always a good time for fellowship.


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